Purchase The Big Book of AA on CD or MP3 Download
Now available! Get the exact version of the Big Book that you hear in free streaming audio on The Recovery Zone as an MP3 download. This is a version that can be streamed anywhere including your car, boat, or portable player. Note that this set does not include the personal stories portion of the book, only the 1st 164 pages.
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Note: This is a compressed (ZIP) and must be unzipped before transferring to MP3 player.
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Alcoholics Anonymous, and AA, and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The publication of this web page and the above mentioned volume does not imply affiliation with or approval or endorsement from Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.. Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and Overeaters Anonymous are the trademarks of their respective organizations. This site is not affiliated with any 12 Step program.